Saturday, February 13, 2010


One of the interesting things I've learned a bit about since being here is jewelry.  Here are the tips:

1.  Women almost always wear earrings. They are usually gold, which none (yes, none) of mine are (I don't think I look good in gold, so I never buy it). So I just continue matching my earrings to the color I'm wearing instead of the culture. Yes, Deana, you can laugh at me.

2.  Only married women wear toe rings (read about it here - no idea how accurate this is, but it was interesting), and they wear (usually) matching ones on both feet.  I had to remove my one I got at Chincoteague probably 8-10 years ago and hadn't removed since to avoid confusing people.  I'm pretty sure my second toe on my right foot has an impression still.

3.  Women who are married wear a heavier gold necklace.  I have yet to distinguish this type of necklace from other gold necklaces commonly worn.  I don't wear a gold necklace (or any necklace at all) on a regular basis, so this one has not been an issue.

4.  I have never been a bracelet person.  However, I could definitely get used to bangles.  I wear them every day on my right wrist since I  have my watch on the left, whether or not I wear the silver ones I bought for myself or one of a few sets Nithya's aunt lent me.  I am getting attached to having slight tinkles happen whenever I move my hands.  They sell bangles in shelves of sets of 10 or so thin ones in all different colors or fewer thick ones. Some are glittery, others have inset shiny things.

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