Monday, February 22, 2010

weekend update

I had a fun weekend, so I thought I would update about it, even though I haven't gotten the best pictures from a friend who took them when I didn't have my camera.  On Saturday, I joined several other international students in hiking Thode (sp? - pronounced Toad) Hill.  It was quite the hike, following spray-painted arrows on rocks and quite steep in some places.  But the view from the top was gorgeous.  I also have the sunburns to prove that it was sunny and hot!  (Forgot to put on sunscreen until half-way through, and by then it was too late.  Using doxycycline for malaria prophylaxis doesn't help, I'm sure.)

After the hike, we all guzzled water and relaxed for a bit before going to a local swimming pool (frequented predominantly by Westerners) to hang out.  I stayed fully dressed in the shade since my skin didn't need any more sun, but I had fun getting to know some of the other international students, mostly Americans, a little better.  In the evening, I read Ravi Zacharias' Walking from East to West (lent to me by an attending here) and relaxed.  On Sunday, I went to church in the morning, to the Vellore fort in the afternoon, to chapel in the evening, and to the student fellowship after that. 

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