Monday, March 1, 2010

Zambia info

So I wanted to include some of the initial info about Zambia that I did about India, so here's the images of the flag and maps as well as some of the country statistics.  All info is again courtesy of the CIA World Factbook, and the pictures are as well.
  • size:  752,618 sq km - slightly larger than Texas 
    • population:  11.8 million
    • median age:  17 yrs (cp. 36.7 yrs) 
    • 35% of population is urban 
  • health statistics 
    • infant mortality:  
    • age structure:  45% 0-14 yrs, 53% 15-64 yrs, 2% 65 yrs and older 
    • birth rate: 40 births/1000 population 
    • infant mortality rate: 101.2 deaths/1000 live births (cp. US 6.22) 
    • total fertility rate: 5.15 children born/woman (cp. US 2.05)
    • HIV/AIDS adult prevalence rate: 15.2% = 1.1 million people living with HIV/AIDS]
    • life expectancy at birth: 38.63 yrs 
    • major infectious diseases:  bacterial and protozoal diarrhea, hepatitis A, typhoid fever, malaria and plague in some locations, schistosomiasis, rabies 
  • religions 
    • Christian 50-75%
    • Muslim and Hindu 24-49% 
    • indigenous beliefs 1% 
  • languages 
    • Bemba 30.1%
    • Nyanja 10.7% 
    • Tonga 10.6% (the language of southern Zambia where I am)
    • Lozi 5.7% 
    • etc. 
  • education 
    • literacy - 80.6% (87% male, 75% female) 
    • school life expectancy: 10 yrs 
  • politics 
    • 9 provinces 
    • capital: Lusaka 
    • independence: October 24, 1964

I'm somewhere about halfway between Lusaka and Livingstone, two hours from Choma.

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